Don't Ignore the Sign of the Times

February 16, 2024 4:30 AM
(Matthew 2:1-9) - God kindly gives us signs of the times and seasons to help us navigate the complex web of His divine providence. The problem is that these signals frequently push us outside of our comfort zones and shift our attention from our own desires to what God is calling us to do.
The narrative before us warns of the perilous path of ignoring divine signs. Herod, upon hearing of the prophesied Messiah's birth, found himself troubled, as did all of Jerusalem. Why? The prospect of relinquishing his authority, pleasures, and comforts to another King disturbed him. His response, plotting to eliminate the infant Jesus, exposes the danger of clinging to our comforts at the expense of God's will.
This pattern resonates in our lives today. God presents signs, issues divine directives, yet we resist, preferring our desires over His will. The tragic consequence is a gradual spiritual blindness, causing us to veer off the God-ordained path until our walk with Him slows to a crawl.
Consider the irony within this passage: Jewish leaders knew the prophesy of the Messiah's birthplace in Bethlehem, yet they failed to follow the star, unlike the wise men from the east. Tradition had overshadowed their connection with God, reducing the prophetic words to mere recitations, void of actionable faith.
The pivotal question arises: Which path shall we choose? Path one aligns us with Herod, engrossed in our desires, potentially crucifying Jesus afresh with every disobedient act. Path two, however, urges us to emulate the wise men, daily lifting our gaze to behold the glory of the Lord, offering Him honor and worship.
And so, we as God's children, must seek to be individuals who, like the wise men, concentrate our eyes above, recognizing and obeying the divine signals that lead us straight to Jesus. Let us strive to travel the path of wisdom, to set aside comfort for the richness of God's will.
In His Grace, Pastor Dennis