January 2, 2024 8:00 AM
Picture this with me if you will.
It’s a dark unsettling night. Rain beats down in cold sheets. Winds blow their songs of despair all across the water. Waves rise and fall like some wickedly wet roller coaster. A small boat can be seen in the water being tossed about like a child’s toy in the bathtub. In the boat are twelve men; cold, wet and full of fear. The twelve men were feeling euphoric and overjoyed but a few hours ago up on the hill when the Son was shining. A calm sky marked a day of teaching, healing and an evening of feeding. What was for dinner you ask? Why, some delicious smoked fish and freshly made bread. They were full, for they were all able to have seconds and thirds; after all, the boy had brought along 2 fish and 5 loaves for all the thousands.Now, however, an icy fear gripped their hearts greater than the cold of the waters. Some of them were fishermen and had seen the effects of such a storm. They had witnessed wave soaked bodies washed up on the shore. They had seen the broken wreckage of other boats that did not survive storms like this. Some of them bailed water out of the boat with numbed hands while others plied the rigging to try to steer the boat along the path of the water to prevent it from being dashed against the waves like a bug on a windshield. But, one thing was on all their minds. “Where is He?” Doesn’t He sees that we’re in the midst of a storm and about to be sent to a watery grave? Doesn’t He care? Doesn’t He hear our cries?” Sound familiar?
Suddenly, as quiet as a ghost, He water walks towards them. Only one of the twelve got the right idea. “Hmm,” he said, “it seems to me that in a storm the best place to be is with Him.” He got out of the boat and started to walk towards him; faltered and started to sink. Yet His loving hand reached down and pulled him out of the depths of despair. He walked with him to the boat and stepped in. At just that moment, the winds began to sing a song of joy. The waves quieted and rocked gently in His presence. The storm had bowed down before Him and professed Him to be Lord of all. Imagine the tears of joy on the faces of the twelve. Imagine the relief at knowing they would not meet their deaths on this night. For the first time, they truly worshiped Him.
In the midst of a storm, when the sky is black as death, despair and depression seem to be everywhere, stop trying to bail out your little boat of problems. Stop trying to reach land alone. Look at, look up and reach for His hand. After all, in the end, it is only His grace and tender mercy that will take each of us out of the storm and to the other side.
Study scripture – Matt. 14:13-33
Pastor Dennis Davis